The “FACTOR” for study success
I have long thought about what “factor” most contributes towards a student’s success in VCE. Over many years of teaching, I have attended conferences, undertaken research and personally observed thousands of students do their best to achieve success.
Whilst every student goes about their studies in their unique way, the following common traits are displayed by many high-achieving students:
- They design and use a study timetable
- They use some form of organisation tool (ie. calendar, diary, computer stick notes, mobile phone app … )
- They plan ahead
- They make summary notes
- They read over their textbook, both before and following their classes
- They keep up to date with the set classwork
- They utilise numerous online resources (ie. videos, quizzes, summary sheets, networking … )
- They seek assistance and ask questions when needed
- They make the most of practice exams (both VCAA and publication groups such as NEAP, TSSM, TSFX etc.), suggested solutions and VCAA examination reports
- They commonly work in groups with other high-achieving students
- They make studying a balanced priority in their life
- They work in partnership with their teachers
There is no single approach to guarantee success in your VCE studies. However, I believe the common “factor” linking all high-achieving students is the ability to take personal responsibility for their studies. Every student, at one time or another during their VCE studies, will experience challenging circumstances. These may be due to poor physical and/or mental health, relationship difficulties, home life, or work-study-social life balance*. In many circumstances, the difficulties experienced will not be your fault. However, it is your responsibility to respond to the challenges facing you.
Doing your personal best and achieving the best possible VCE grades is not the responsibility of your teachers, classmates, parents, siblings or tutors. Your level of achievement is determined by the following;
- Your mindset
- Your attitude
- Your focus
- Your commitment
- Your habits
VCE is your opportunity, make the most of it.
the common “factor” linking all high-achieving students is the ability to take personal responsibility for their studies
* In extremely difficult circumstances, students are encouraged to utilise the numerous support services available and seek help where necessary.