
Year 11 Physics Area of Study 2 SAC (Class 1) @ Room 7
Nov 9 @ 2:10 pm – 3:20 pm

Year 11 Physics Unit 2 Area of Study 2 (SAC) – Written Test

  • Option 1 –  How can human vision be enhanced?
  • Option 2 – How can AC electricity charge a DC device?

Both tests have been allocated a 70 minute period, 5 minutes of which has been allocated for reading. Students are required to sit 1 test only.

Students are permitted:

  • A single sided A4 summary
  • A scientific calculator


Yr 11 Physics (Class 1) – SAC 3 – Practical Investigation @ Room 6
Nov 24 @ 12:10 pm – 1:20 pm

Practical Investigation

Both the student logbook and poster are to be handed up to myself at the completion of the last lesson of the semester (Pd.3, Fri 24th Nov.)

Yr 11 Physics (Class 2) – SAC 3 – Practical Investigation @ Room 6
Nov 24 @ 2:10 pm – 3:20 pm

Practical Investigation

Both the student logbook and poster are to be handed up to myself at the completion of the last lesson of the semester (Pd.4, Fri 24th Nov.)

Year 11 Physics – Unit 2 Exam @ Hall
Nov 30 @ 1:35 pm – 3:15 pm

The Year 11 Physics Unit 2 Exam consists of questions from all 3 areas of Study.  Both options will be included in the exam paper. Students are to complete only 1 of the 2 options in the exam booklet.

Students are permitted to bring a double sided A4 Summary Sheet, a scientific calculator, pens, pencils, ruler and an eraser.


Year 11 Physics – Class 2 – Assessment Task 1 @ Room 6
Mar 14 @ 9:10 am – 10:08 am

Assessment Task 1- An annotated folio of practical activities

  • Wed 14th March, 2018
  • Period 1
  • Room 6
  • 50 minutes duration
  • Written analysis of a collection of 4 practical investigations
  • A student practical logbook is permitted

This assessment task requires each student to bring their logbook and to answer specific questions related to the four investigations undertaken in class.  Students will be required to submit their logbook upon completing the  task.

Year 12 Further Maths – SAC #4a – Multiple Choice Test @ Room 6
Jun 5 @ 9:10 am – 10:08 am

Year 12 Further Maths SAC – 4a

  • Tuesday the 5th of June
  • Core “Recursion and financial modelling”
  • 5 minutes reading & 50 minutes writing
  • Multiple Choice Test format

Students are permitted to bring their Further Maths summary book, a scientific calculator, a TI-Nspire CAS CX calculator and the typical pens, pencils, erasers etc.

Year 12 Further Maths – SAC #4b – Short Answer Test @ Room 6
Jun 7 @ 2:17 pm – 3:15 pm

Year 12 Further Maths SAC – 4b

  • Wednesday the 6th of June
  • Core “Recursion and financial modelling”
  • 5 minutes reading & 50 minutes writing
  • Short Answer Test format

Students are permitted to bring their Further Maths summary book, a scientific calculator, a TI-Nspire CAS CX calculator and the typical pens, pencils, erasers etc.

Year 12 Physics – SAC #3 Data Analysis @ Room 6
Jun 12 @ 9:10 am – 10:10 am

Year 12 Physics SAC – Data Analysis

  • Tuesday the 12th of June
  • Area of Study 2 “How are fields used to move electrical energy?”
  • 5 minutes reading & 50 minutes writing
  • Written test format

Students are permitted to bring a single sided A4 summary sheet, a scientific calculator, and the typical pens, pencils, erasers etc.

Year 12 Physics Excursion – The Synchrotron @ The Australian Synchrotron
Aug 3 @ 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Depart: Kildare Campus @7:30am
  • Arrive: The Australian Synchrotron @ 9:30am
  • Synchrotron Tour
  • Lab sessions
  • Depart: The Australian Synchrotron @ 2:00pm
  • Arrive: Kildare Campus @5:00pm

Students are to wear full winter uniform.  Food is available at the venue’s cafeteria, or students may choose to bring their own lunch.

Year 12 Further Maths SAC 5A – Multiple Choice Test @ Room 6, Kildare Campus
Aug 9 @ 9:10 am – 10:10 am

Matrices – Multiple Choice Topic test.

Students are permitted their summary book, a scientific calculator and TI-Nspire CAS CX calculator.

5 minutes reading time and 50 minutes writing time.